Through the world's eyes we have to make millions of dollars each year, be featured on the front page of People magazine, and be a household name to be considered "successful." As children, we all dream to be successful. We move to college to get an education so that we will become successful. We endure awful internships with even worse pay in order to get one step closer to success. We go through our entire lives chasing after this myth of success. But what if our vision of success is completely distorted?
While visiting with a friend the other day, we were discussing what we could possibly do in the future and what we hope turn into careers. After throwing around some silly thoughts with a few serious possibilities, my friend says, "Ashley, I could be the President of Florida Farm Bureau and you could be my assistant!" Assistant?! I could be your assistant?? The little piece of me that deep down wants women to rule the world one day was a little more than slightly offended. I mean, I'm flattered that you would employ me, but what if I dream to be the Farm Bureau President and I declared my friend the assistant? In that moment, I was scared that I would lead a small life.
Then while talking to another friend, the world's view of mountaintops were discussed... Does your view of mountain tops look like the front page of People magazine, President of Farm Bureau, or championships- much like the world's view? Or does your mountaintops look like happiness, a healthy family, and God using you for His glory? Tough decision, huh? This friend reminded me that God brings success in many different ways in various shapes and colors. In that moment, I was terrified of how large of a life I could lead.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." These words from Coach Carter have always moved me with the truth that it speaks. The fear of how great we could become often keeps us mediocre in our minds. We are afraid that a raising a happy family in a comfortable house isn't "success" to the world so we allow negative feelings to seep in. We are even more afraid that we will fail at greatness or those close to us won't understand our "large" life so we run the opposite direction. We allow both of these fears to dictate our lives and determine our paths until we get caught in the middle of what we want and what we are capable of so we achieve neither.
We are all created with great purpose and built to be our own kind of successful. You will have moments in the valley and you will have moments on the mountain tops. Appreciate both of these times because each will help develop you. Choose your view of success and the life that you desire, then chase after it with every bit of your being. Remember, "when you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, that is when you will be successful." More importantly, remember to trust in The Lord with your path to "success."
Now, are you scared of leading a small life or are you terrified of how large of a life you could lead?
God Bless!