Thursday, July 11, 2013

Time To Transition

Question: Is it possible to have a mid-life crisis at the ripe ol' age of eighteen? Answer: Yes, because I am completely convinced that I am currently experiencing one.

Okay, maybe not. But we all experience transitions. Whether it is graduating high school, starting a new job, moving to college, saying good-bye to a relationship, or maybe just getting used to a bad haircut, transition can be painful. We learn from pain though, right? God allows us to hit rock bottom so that we learn that He is the rock at the bottom.

This whole graduating high school, moving to college transition is about to kick my tail, personally. While I know that I am learning a great deal about myself, I am growing spiritually and emotionally, and that God has a plan for me. I also know that I have never experienced more sleepless nights, more tears, and more goodbyes this year than I ever have in my life.

I have wanted to figure out who I am and what my purpose is on this Earth for quite some time. I have experienced many sleepless nights where I have cried out to God asking Him to give me strength, direct my path, to fulfill my dreams, and to use me in a great way. Well, it turns out that you don't necessarily get all your prayers answered at once, nor exactly how you imagined..

Through those sleepless nights, I experienced wins and losses. God reveled pieces of His plan, slowly but surely. He removed people from my life and He placed people in my life. He brought me through gut-wrenching moments and He dried my tears. But I did ask for strength, didn't I? He closed numerous doors that I never expected and He left cracks in windows that He made me work for. But I asked Him to direct my path, didn't I?

So now it remains to fulfill my dreams and to use me in a great way. Recently, God has showed me that I must first decide what my dreams even are before He can fulfill them. I am diving into this great big world to discover who I am and what I want. Through all of this, I have faith that He is using me. I certainly don't see it now. But I know that He is using all of us! None of us were created as a mistake or wasted space. He has had a divine plan in store for each and every one of us since before Day 1, it just takes a little bit of time. Remember that He does not call the qualified, yet qualifies the called. The pain of all these transitions is Christ qualifying us!

What transition are you experiencing right now? What prayer have you poured out to Christ that you think He is neglecting, when really He is fulfilling in a crazy and unexpected way? Don't give up on Him! He is still in the miracle-making business and He loves you and I so dearly. Recently, I have asked God to heal my heart- to take away my anger, my resentment, and all the hate I have been bottling inside. He has helped me to forgive and to move on and even learn. He can help you too, if you only ask.

So don't worry, you haven't quite hit your mid-life crisis yet. But it is time to transition through whatever phase you are facing right now and that's something that I know you can do!

God bless!

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