Thursday, July 18, 2013

What and Who

"A lady should be two things- what and who she wants." 

Whaaaat? You mean I can be what AND who I want?! Sure, we all heard our parents tell us when we were children that we can grow up to be anything in the world. But as we grow older, we find that it's not always that easy. 

The world we live in often sets limitations. Whether it's our GPA, our financial status, our bra size, or how many words we can type a minute, we find that the world doesn't allow us to be ANYTHING we want. We find ourselves tailoring our dreams to fit the world.. Now how sad is that? We tailor our dreams to fit the world. When we allow the world to change us, we give up the ability to change the world. And we do this every single day. 

I am in an obvious struggle of deciding what I want to be. I have always known who I want to be but now I have to bring the two together in a way that WILL allow me to change the world. I often run into a block though. I run into a block where the world tries to tell me who I am and who I'm not and what I should be.

I'm too independent. I'm not strong enough. I'm too strong-willed. I'm bossy. I'm too weak-hearted. I'm too girly. I'm not pretty enough. 

Now don't these seem a bit contrary? Thankfully, I'm one of the lucky ones who is comfortable with the person I am. I like to handle my own challenges but I appreciate caring people. I know what I want and I know how to achieve what I want, so I go after it. Moments bring me to tears often but I rarely show my tears. I will say what I feel, but with charm. I like to fix my hair and wear my jewelry, but I will never try to be the world's vision of "pretty." 

I know who I am but how is it that this world will try to tell me the opposite? How can the people around us tell us who we are supposed to be and why we're not enough? And most importantly, why do we allow it? 

Opposition to who I am never bothered me until this year when people who I considered close to me began to question who I am. This made me even question myself! What if after 18 years, I'm a complete stranger to myself? 

Fortunately, I snapped out of that real quick! I know who I am and I will be the one to tell the world! I challenge YOU to tell the world your own story, regardless of what the "world" thinks. 

God fearfully and wonderfully created each one of us. He creates no flaws, even if we see flaws within ourselves. He creates quirks and bundles of uniqueness, but no flaws. He put us on this earth to be great, to reflect His love, and to not be changed by this world but yet change the world. 

So decide your purpose and attack it with all your might! Decide who you are and who you hope to be, and journey on! Our mommies and daddies were right- we really can be anything we want to be. Don't allow any limitation or difference or set back tailor your dream! 

One day I'm going to figure out my place in this big ole world. I'm determined to make a difference, even if I don't yet know how. All the people who told me I was "too this" or "not enough that" will push me to prove them wrong. Why can't you say the same thing? YOU will make a difference! YOU will find your way! Now go be what and who you'd like to be! 

God bless!

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